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tab show造句

"tab show"是什么意思  
  • Tab shows the execution progress of the package
  • This tab shows a more advanced use of regular expressions
  • This tab shows results from calling
  • The modules tab shows the dlls in use by our java process , as in figure 9
    Modules选项卡显示了java进程所用的dll ,如图9所示。
  • The processes tab shows the most detailed information , as illustrated in figure 2
  • Or using the shortcut , ctrl s . the data output view s messages tab shows the data was inserted successfully
    或使用快捷键ctrl + s保存编辑器。 data output视图的messages选项卡显示数据插入成功。
  • As you can see from the security preferences tab shown in figure 2 , users can select their notes id file and supply the password
    正如图2中security preferences附签中显示的,用户可以选择他们的notes id文件并输入密码:
  • First , the toolbar that appears along the top right tab shows an icon for each perspective that s currently open , such as the web perspective
  • For example , if you have written a custom control that has different tabs showing different information , in order for that control to work as expected , the control needs to know which tab is selected between round trips
  • It's difficult to see tab show in a sentence. 用tab show造句挺难的
如何用tab show造句,用tab show造句tab show in a sentence, 用tab show造句和tab show的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。